Key Issues

Strengthening Educator Recruitment and Retention


As a school board member, I will be laser-focused on issues impacting educator recruitment and retention. I want to see WCS rise to the top as one of the most desirable school systems to work for in the state!

The current WCS Strategic Plan aims to attract high quality employees through goals of competitive compensation and benefits packages, increased teacher and employee retention, and increased faculty and staff job satisfaction. My platform aligns with these goals.

Specifically, I support:

  • Thorough analysis of the current teacher recruitment and retention rates in WCS, with identification of key trends and challenges.
  • Utilization of benchmarking and comparative studies to evaluate the compensation packages in neighboring districts, ensuring competitive pay, benefits, and incentives for our educators, especially for those in hard-to-staff subjects and specialties like special education.
  • Engagement with educators, staff, and administrators to understand their perspectives and concerns, ensuring a collaborative approach where our WCS employees feel valued and respected.

Supporting Teachers


Teachers are the backbone of society and deserve unending support from their school board and their community.

I advocate for:

  • Actively seeking and valuing input from educators when making decisions, considering their expertise and experiences in shaping policies that align with their professional needs.
  • Working within the existing legal framework to develop criteria that allow for flexibility and recognition of diverse teaching styles and approaches.
  • Policies that empower teacher autonomy, creativity, and innovation within the classroom.

Safe and Inclusive Schools


I believe that public school is for all children, regardless of background or abilities.

Furthermore, I believe in the value of critical thinking and exposure to diverse thoughts and experiences. The WCS Strategic Plan aims to create a district-wide culture where all students and WCS team members have a place of belonging and are included, supported, and respected.

In alignment with those goals, I advocate for:

  • Strengthening and expanding student support services to address the unique needs of students from various backgrounds.
  • Fostering strong partnerships with families and their community, seeking input to better understand the needs of different student groups and ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes.
  • A policy of regular review and revision of disciplinary procedures to ensure they are fair and do not disproportionately impact certain demographic groups.
  • Ensuring that all eligible students have access to opportunities like giftedness screening and AP courses.
  • Ongoing assessment and improvement of comprehensive safety measures to ensure a secure learning environment for all students and staff.
    Particular attention should be given to enhancement of threat assessment programs, mental health programs, and updated technology and infrastructure for campus security.

Together, let's build a future where every student thrives, every teacher is empowered, and our schools stand as pillars of excellence and inclusivity!